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Phone: +96170901882

Project Lines

We are combining education, social support, and health assistance.
Under the umbrella of a free humanitarian development programme, providing for the institutional set-up and the basic
 infrastructure of our work, our regular projects of the Albi Maak Centre unfold in these mentioned three operational Programme Lines.


The Educational Programme

includes a vary of living tutoring courses(environment, mental health, and personal finance…), basic education (primary and BLN), and skill job trainings (IT, business management, languages…) With the special support to kids with differences in their mental health – to guide them through their daily activities and long-term improvement.


The Social Programme

includes the support of professional psychologists, specialised in working with individuals suffering from post-traumatic disorders. Offers individual and group therapy to the most vulnerable communities. Also offering social support through sports, social activities, and arts expressions.


The Health Programme

provides medical professional assistance to the most needed communities and serves as a first contact point. In close cooperation with national organisations, we are responding to those needs that have so far been neglected. We are working on short-term events and long-term projects solutions.

In order to find and elaborate the most accurate projects according to the urgent needs of each community. Our coordinator of outreach leads a weekly team around Akkar to follow up and discover the struggles that our region is facing daily. Particularly relevant information, which help us to work and organise recreational, cultural, education, health, and sports activities, for all kind of needed groups.

Write us for more information on donations

Fundraising campaign

Future urgent project which need the financial international support. Short description of project, future impact, budgeting, timeframe and deadlines.


GOAL : 1500 $

RAISED : 0 $


Project fundraising

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GOAL : 3457 $

RAISED : 0 $