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Volunteer with an amazing Initiative!
Do not wait for someone to come to you who offers you work, take the initiative and look for it, for it is good and happiness.
Claire Hayek

The ways to help others in the best way

If you can draw a smile don't fall short.

    Are you looking for a positive life amazing experience?

    Do you know you can completely change the world of many Lebanese, Syrians, and Palestinians kids/families. And you already made the first step, now you can continue this wonderful journey below.

    Would you be happy to share your time, knowledge, and most importantly, motivation to help thousands of children/families in Lebanon?

    If you ever wondered how it could be to live surrounded by a completely different culture, discovering new flavours, smells, beliefs, traditions. And on the top of that being a volunteer helping vulnerable Lebanese communities and Syrians/Palestinians refugees. Well this is the trip of your life! Come to “The gate of Middle East” to volunteer and discover the exciting Arab vibe, in a multicultural environment, where the European role have a relevant presence since the beginning of Lebanon. Your care will never be forgotten on these families, and you will even grow in perception, work experience, and multi-diverse environments. Additionally; you will have enough time to travel, and explore the Lebanese corners full of colours, history, nature, and amazing traditions. We are sure you will enjoy every step of this experience by the hand of Albi Maak!

    Are you ready to transform the lives of vulnerable children/families in the poorest region of Lebanon, Akkar. And Syrian border with thousands of vulnerable refugees?

    Come as a volunteer and join us for an incredible unique journey. Throughout the year, we are seeking for outstanding souls who are motivated for the cause, gaining a unique experience directly helping those most in need in the real ground. Dive in a multicultural background pool, learn wise and ancient techniques from locals, share your perspective of the world, and together lets grow as one! Volunteers are directly engaged and encouraged to implement an innovative approach to provide their own expertise in Albi Maak projects. By the hand of a sustainable development path for the community, in a wide range of diverse areas, like education, health, social work, environment, development, among others... As part of our mission to bring a diverse group of people together, our international volunteers combine forces with local staff in organising and implementing the vision of Albi Maak with their own touch. Aiming to guide children/families in a path of responsibility, supporting them through new learnings, and improving their lives through professional health assistance, skill trainings, and a social awareness of different important values. Despite the extreme difficult conditions that Lebanon has been facing the last years, we started the social organisation “Albi Maak” at the beginning of 2021. And we already have had the support of many local and even international volunteers, regional organisations, and private sector. As the big, robust, and multi-diverse organisation that we are, we appreciate the support from all kinds of fields, backgrounds, and knowledges. After this experience, you will become part of a selective group of people who had made a real positive impact on the world from the root. And part of a happy family that is still in touch to continue learning & sharing! We would love to receive your support and the kids cannot wait to meet you. The community we serve is critically in need, today more than ever. Get involved living and working in Akkar, Lebanon. Only 100 km from the capital, an exciting place to discover and world known destination, Beirut. Hence, for further details please have a look at the call for applications to your right. And download the detailed information file and form for submitting your application proposal (CV, application, and contact information). All further steps are indicated in the forms.

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    Medical Aid

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